A guide to blue lab grown diamonds

A Guide to Blue Lab grown Diamonds


Elevate Your Style with ELGA Superior: Unveiling the Allure of Blue Diamonds

In the realm of diamonds, the allure of blue is a rarity that captivates fashion-forward enthusiasts worldwide. Natural blue diamonds, ranging from a subtle azure tint to a deeply saturated shade bordering on purple, evoke a sense of unparalleled elegance found in the heart of nature.

At ELGA , we've meticulously crafted lab-grown blue diamonds, precisely tuned to a luminous and crisp icy blue hue. These diamonds become not just accessories but statements, perfect for creating ear parties, stacking bracelets, and layering necklaces with a touch of individuality. The charm of ELGA lies in presenting lab-grown diamonds that mirror the chemical properties of natural diamonds while inviting you to explore the spectrum of beautiful colors.

Dive into the mesmerizing world of blue lab-grown diamonds at ELGA and discover the essence of elegance that resonates with your unique style.

What are colored diamonds?


Simply put, colored diamonds are a natural or lab-grown diamond with a hued body color rather than classic white diamonds. Unlocking the Enigma: The Realness of Blue Diamonds

The enchantment of blue diamonds lies in their authenticity, whether in their natural or lab-grown form. Similar to white diamonds, lab-grown blue diamonds boast the identical chemical composition and optical characteristics as their natural counterparts. The distinction between the two lies in their creation process and rarity, with the scarcity of natural blue diamonds elevating their value.

Blue Diamonds vs. Sapphires: A Distinctive Comparison

It's crucial to note that while blue diamonds are undeniably authentic diamonds, both in nature and lab-grown, they differ from sapphires. Sapphires, although available in various colors, are often associated with blue hues, leading to occasional confusion with blue diamonds. To accurately discern between the two, seeking the expertise of a certified gemologist or choosing a trusted supplier, such as ELGA, ensures a genuine and informed purchase.


Distinguishing Elegance: Colored Diamonds vs. Colored Gemstones

Colored gemstones, a staple in costume jewelry and trendy multi-colored diamond accessories, offer a vibrant means of expressing personal style and mood. Yet, a distinct contrast exists between colored gemstones and colored lab-grown or natural diamonds, especially those crafted at ELGA. Lab-grown colored diamonds retain the unparalleled quality intrinsic to diamonds, showcasing captivating scintillation, fire, and sparkle that outshine traditional gemstones.

The Major Distinction:

The primary divergence between colored diamonds and colored gemstones lies in the enduring brilliance and optical allure inherent in diamonds. While gemstones contribute to lively accessories, the exceptional qualities of lab-grown colored diamonds, with their diamond-like qualities, elevate them to a realm of unmatched sophistication.

For an in-depth exploration of how simulated diamonds compare to natural and lab-grown diamonds, explore our comprehensive guide.

What is a blue diamond?

A blue diamond is a fancy colored diamond with a blue hue. In nature, blue diamonds are extremely rare which makes them highly covetable and highly expensive. Their rarity comes from their location: some blue diamonds form at an extreme depth that is approximately four times deeper than most diamonds. Decoding the Blue Hue: Unveiling the Mystique of Blue Diamonds

The mesmerizing blue tint in diamonds, especially evident in the renowned gems available at ELGA, often stems from the presence of boron impurities, according to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Boron subtly weaves its way into the diamond's structure, casting a captivating blue spell upon the stone. Alternatively, radiation exposure or associations with hydrogen can also contribute to the enchanting blue coloration.

Exquisite Blue Diamond Icons:

1. Hope Diamond (45.52 carats): Crowned as the world's most famous blue diamond, the Hope Diamond boasts a storied history, captivating all who gaze upon its 45.52 carats of sheer magnificence.

2. Wittelsbach Blue (35.56 carats): This colossal blue diamond, one of the largest in history, witnessed a dramatic journey. Stolen in Munich in 1931, it resurfaced at Christie’s in London in 2008, fetching a record-breaking £‌23.00 million USD at the time.

3. Royalty and Blue Elegance: Kate Middleton's engagement ring, an heirloom from Princess Diana, features a captivating blue stone. Surprisingly, the center stone is not a diamond but a sapphire, adding regal allure to this iconic piece.

Explore the allure of blue diamonds at ELGA, where each gem tells a unique tale of elegance and sophistication.     

Radiant Brilliance: ELGA Superior Colored Diamonds Illuminate Every Occasion  

In the enchanting realm of diamonds, the allure of colored stones stands as a rare and captivating phenomenon. As per the esteemed Gemological Institute of America (GIA), only 1 in 10,000 natural diamonds boasts a fancy color, elevating their rarity and, consequently, their soaring price tags. Enter ELGA, where a revolutionary approach to lab-grown diamonds has democratically ushered in a spectrum of stunning hues, ensuring that the brilliance of diamonds adorns a multitude of occasions without the intimidating price barrier.

Dazzling Diversity in Every Hue:

Shapes that Speak Elegance:

ELGA colored lab-grown diamonds, available in classic round brilliants, cushions, and princess cuts, present a diverse canvas for your artistic expression. Each shape carries its unique charm, allowing you to curate a collection that resonates with your personal style.

Icy Blue and Blush Pink Elegance:

Embrace the serene beauty of icy blue or the soft, romantic allure of blush pink with ELGA exquisite range of colored lab-grown diamonds. These stones are not merely accessories; they are a testament to the seamless blend of artistry and technology.

Saturated Splendor and Tonal Harmony:

Every ELGA stone is meticulously crafted to embody saturated splendor and tonal alignment. This precision ensures not only individual brilliance but also harmony when stacked or curated into a personalized collection, reflecting your unique taste.

Delve deeper into the enchanting world of ELGA pink lab-grown diamonds with our comprehensive guide, where each page unfolds a story of radiant elegance. Crafting Radiance: The Art of Creating Colored Diamonds by ELGA.

At ELGA, the journey to crafting exquisite colored lab-grown diamonds mirrors the precision and dedication inherent in our white diamond creation process. Step into the fascinating world where science meets artistry, and every diamond tells a tale of vibrant elegance.

Same Facility, Same Precision:

The foundation of our colored lab-grown diamonds is laid in the same cutting-edge facility that breathes life into our pristine white lab-grown diamonds. The process is guided by meticulous precision, ensuring that each diamond, regardless of its hue, embodies the uncompromising quality synonymous with ELGA.


Intricate Gas Mixture Alchemy:

The transformation of diamonds into stunning shades of saturated blue and blush pink involves a delicate dance of gases within the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) reactor. This intricate alchemy allows us to create a mesmerizing spectrum of colors, unlocking possibilities that nature alone would take millions of years to achieve.

Accelerating Nature’s Course:

While nature's timeline spans millions of years for diamond formation, our scientists, with their groundbreaking methods, accelerate this process. In just about two weeks, a one-carat diamond emerges, a testament to the seamless blend of scientific innovation and artistic vision at ELGA.

Post-Growth Enhancement:

Following the growth phase, a meticulous post-growth enhancement is applied to ensure that each colored stone reaches its full potential. This enhancement sets the stage for the vibrant hues that will captivate admirers when the diamond is unveiled in its final form.

From Seed to Brilliance:

The journey continues as the colored stones undergo cutting, polishing, and the final touch of expert hand-setting into exquisite earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Every piece at ELGA is a harmonious symphony of precision and artistry. Quality Control Brilliance:

Our commitment to excellence is affirmed as quality control inspectors meticulously review each piece. From ensuring secure prongs to verifying the polish of the metal, every detail undergoes scrutiny, guaranteeing that each jewelry piece meets the exacting standards of ELGA.

Your Story, Your Style:

With the final seal of approval, the jewelry is ready to be embraced, styled, and woven into the narratives of those who wear it. The colored diamonds from ELGA are not just accessories; they are a celebration of the union between cutting-edge technology and timeless elegance.


How to style blue diamonds

Our lab-grown blue diamonds are commonly set in either 14- or 10-karat white gold, or 10-karat yellow gold. The icy blue tone of the stone pops against all skin tones and really shines against the high polish of the white gold. Choosing to pair a lab-grown blue diamond with yellow gold adds a hit of yellow that really pops against the saturation of the blue stone.  Demystifying Diamond Prices: Natural vs. Lab-Grown by ELGA.

When it comes to diamonds, a symphony of factors orchestrates their pricing, weaving a narrative of rarity, beauty, and individuality. At ELGA, we unravel the mystery behind colored diamonds' pricing, offering insights that elevate your understanding of these coveted gems.

Natural Diamonds: Rarity Commands Value:

In the realm of natural diamonds, rarity is the virtuoso that commands the melody of pricing. Diamonds graded in the D-to-Z range see their value decrease as color intensifies, with the zenith of rarity found in colorless stones. The paradox unfolds when we venture into the realm of fancy colored diamonds—here, a rich, pure hue becomes the harbinger of a higher price tag. Picture a canary diamond: a vibrant yellow transcends the muted, echoing in the significant cost difference between the two.

The Rarity Hierarchy: Saturated Hues Take the Crown:

For those drawn to the allure of natural colored diamonds, the rarest and most valuable shades dance in the spectrum of saturated pinks, blues, and greens. Even nuanced color variations wield a substantial impact on the gem's value, accentuating the exclusive nature of these precious stones.

Lab-Grown Diamonds: Consistency Meets Affordability:

In the realm of lab-grown diamonds, a different cadence emerges. Consistency in coloring becomes the hallmark, and rarity takes a back seat, making these gems more accessible without compromising on brilliance. ELGA operates on an 1000 CAD pricing per carat model, allowing the charm of colored lab-grown diamonds to seamlessly weave into your style narrative. Here, affordability harmonizes with the spectrum of colors, making them a coveted addition to your jewelry collection.

Your Journey into Colored Diamonds:

As you embark on your journey into the realm of colored diamonds, each hue becomes a note, and each stone, a chapter in the story of your style. At ELGA, we invite you to explore the unique blend of rarity, consistency, and affordability, ensuring that your choice resonates with the symphony of your individuality.

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